Thursday, October 21, 2010

Fall Fun

Sorry for my long disappearance . . . I've actually gotten so wrapped up in baking I've forgotten to write about it!  Which in my case, is not a horrible thing. :)  So first thing is first . . . Bakerella is doing book signings all over the country at Williams and Sonoma stores.  If you are interested in her cake pops, this book is fantastic!!  If you are interested in meeting her (and why wouldn't you be???) you can find her schedule here.  I will be at the one in King of Prussia, PA . . . you should come too!!

This fall I've taken a step back from the new and exciting, to make a few oldies but goodies with a new twist.

First, the fall pumpkin sugar cookies, Betty Crocker style (lighter recipe with sugar sprinkled on top!).  My first time coloring them.
This was me trying to be creative with my pictures . . . 

Ah, doesn't it look so picturesque next to the mixer that created it? 

That day I also tried shortbread two different ways with two different recipes.  The first is totally not worth repeating, the second, however, was fantastic.  I made them in a 9 x 13 pan . . . which wasn't a total bust but made for the outside cookies being much drier than the inside.  I would suggest when making shortbread cookies you chill them first, roll them out, and then use a cookie cutter to create them.  The cookie bakes more evenly with just the right amount of moisture.  Nevertheless, they were FANTASTIC!

Mmm, so crumbly and delicious . . . 

And then, simply because I had a craving, the classic chocolate chip cookie.  I personally love the Betty Crocker Recipe minus the nuts.

I'm not sure what's better, the baked cookie or the dough before . . . 

Don't you just want to eat a ton of it with a spoon??

But then again, when you see that cookie . . . well, you forget the dough and bite into its warm, chocolate goodness . . .  

More to come as I bake my way through what promises to be a cold winter . . . 

Happy Baking!

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