Yesterday was the kick off for football season. As most of you know, my husband and I (and even our little girl) are HUGE NY Giants fans. :) Unfortunately, due to a busy weekend, I was unable to stop and make specific Giants desserts, so I went for the non-baked, football snack. They are like less chewy, chocolate rice crispy treats with laces! Ah, just too cute. They are not what I would pick exclusively for my chocolate snack but they are a tad irresistible. . . .Find the recipe on
kraft.com. My only suggestion is to refrigerate them after they cool since they still have a tendency to fall apart.
Next week (or this week rather) I am going to tackle sugar cookies with royal icing in the shape of . . . you guessed it! FOOTBALL ITEMS! (Hey, any excuse to bake right?) Then I am simply dying to try Cake Pops. If any of you haven't heard of this amazing dessert head over to
Bakerella.com and check out her marvelous creations. They are simply stunning and I can imagine taste amazing. :) Her book is going to be published this fall, which I have to say is going to be a "must buy" for me. KUDOS BAKERELLA!
And, in case you are starting to get a hankering for fall-centered desserts, head out to your local grocery store, walmart, target . . . and pick up this
book. Its $4.99 and is FILLED with amazing recipes (including cake pops) that seem simply and completely in line with the season. Completely worth your money as each recipe is printed on a card and can easily be inserted into your recipe book. I have about 5 of them I want to try . . .